BPH License Exam Model Question (NHPC ) Nepal Health Professional Council License Exam 2081

Bachelor of Public Health (BPH) Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) License Exam 2081 Model Set

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Bachelor of Public Health (BPH) License Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) License Exam 2081

Here are 20 model questions for the Bachelor of Public Health (BPH) Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) License Exam:

Public Health & Epidemiology

  1. What is the incubation period of Hepatitis A?
    a) 7–14 days
    b) 15–50 days
    c) 30–90 days
    d) 90–180 days

  2. Which of the following is a key feature of descriptive epidemiology?
    a) Hypothesis testing
    b) Randomized control trials
    c) Distribution of disease in terms of person, place, and time
    d) Use of meta-analysis

  3. The Basic Reproduction Number (R₀) of a disease refers to:
    a) The percentage of immune individuals in a population
    b) The average number of secondary cases generated by one case
    c) The number of deaths caused by the disease
    d) The incubation period of the disease

Biostatistics & Research Methodology

  1. In biostatistics, p-value less than 0.05 indicates:
    a) The hypothesis is rejected
    b) The hypothesis is accepted
    c) No association between variables
    d) The study is invalid

  2. Which sampling method ensures each individual has an equal chance of being selected?
    a) Stratified sampling
    b) Simple random sampling
    c) Snowball sampling
    d) Convenience sampling

Health Policy, Management & Health System

  1. Nepal’s National Health Policy was first introduced in:
    a) 1991
    b) 2004
    c) 2015
    d) 2018

  2. The Primary Health Care (PHC) approach was officially introduced globally after:
    a) The Ottawa Charter
    b) The Alma-Ata Declaration
    c) The Sustainable Development Goals
    d) The Millennium Development Goals

  3. Which of the following is not an indicator of health system performance?
    a) Infant mortality rate
    b) Number of medical colleges
    c) Life expectancy
    d) Maternal mortality ratio

Environmental & Occupational Health

  1. The presence of arsenic in groundwater mainly leads to:
    a) Methemoglobinemia
    b) Fluorosis
    c) Skin cancer
    d) Itai-Itai disease

  2. The main cause of indoor air pollution in rural Nepal is:
    a) Vehicular emissions
    b) Industrial waste
    c) Biomass fuel burning
    d) Ozone depletion

Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases

  1. The first case of COVID-19 in Nepal was reported in:
    a) December 2019
    b) January 2020
    c) March 2020
    d) May 2020

  2. Which of the following is not a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases?
    a) High blood pressure
    b) Tobacco use
    c) Physical activity
    d) Obesity

Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health

  1. Which of the following is a leading cause of maternal mortality in Nepal?
    a) Road traffic accidents
    b) Postpartum hemorrhage
    c) HIV/AIDS
    d) Thyroid disorders

  2. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first:
    a) 3 months
    b) 6 months
    c) 9 months
    d) 12 months

Nutrition & Food Safety

  1. A deficiency of iodine during pregnancy can lead to:
    a) Night blindness
    b) Beriberi
    c) Cretinism
    d) Pellagra

  2. Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) is used to assess:
    a) Vitamin A deficiency
    b) Malnutrition
    c) Water intake
    d) Physical activity level

Disaster & Emergency Health Management

  1. The first step in disaster risk management is:
    a) Response and recovery
    b) Risk assessment and mitigation
    c) Providing immediate aid
    d) Media coverage

  2. In Nepal, a public health emergency is declared when:
    a) At least 50 cases of an outbreak occur
    b) There is a sudden rise in disease cases that affects public safety
    c) The WHO issues a global alert
    d) The Ministry of Health and Population issues a statement

Mental Health & Community Interventions

  1. Which of the following is a key symptom of major depressive disorder?
    a) Increased social interaction
    b) Decreased need for sleep
    c) Persistent low mood and loss of interest
    d) Excessive physical energy

  2. The Mental Health Policy of Nepal (1996) emphasizes:
    a) The establishment of mental hospitals in each province
    b) Integrating mental health services into primary health care
    c) Mental health services should only be provided in urban areas
    d) Restricting the use of psychotropic medications

Here are the answer keys for the BPH NHPC License Exam Model Questions:

Public Health & Epidemiology

  1. b) 15–50 days
  2. c) Distribution of disease in terms of person, place, and time
  3. b) The average number of secondary cases generated by one case

Biostatistics & Research Methodology

  1. a) The hypothesis is rejected
  2. b) Simple random sampling

Health Policy, Management & Health System

  1. a) 1991
  2. b) The Alma-Ata Declaration
  3. b) Number of medical colleges

Environmental & Occupational Health

  1. c) Skin cancer
  2. c) Biomass fuel burning

Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases

  1. b) January 2020
  2. c) Physical activity (because physical inactivity, not activity, is a risk factor)

Reproductive, Maternal & Child Health

  1. b) Postpartum hemorrhage
  2. b) 6 months

Nutrition & Food Safety

  1. c) Cretinism
  2. b) Malnutrition

Disaster & Emergency Health Management

  1. b) Risk assessment and mitigation
  2. b) There is a sudden rise in disease cases that affects public safety

Mental Health & Community Interventions

  1. c) Persistent low mood and loss of interest
  2. b) Integrating mental health services into primary health care

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