A trip to Dakshinkali mata darshan, Manakamana Darshan and Pathibhara mata darhan in Kathmandu and Lalitpur

A trip to Dakshinkali mata darshan, Manakamana temple Darshan and Pathibhara mata temple darhan in Kathmandu and Lalitpur

I had a chance to vsit top pilgrim destination near kathmandu. As many people know Dakshinkali temple is located in Kathmandu. 

also called Daxinkali temple or Dakshinkali mandir

But do you know that there is Manakamana and Pathibhara devi also in Kathmandu valley?

Yes now you know. 
Manakamana devi is located in Lele Municipality, Lalitpur. It is situated at diatance of 11 kilometres from Satdobato Lalitpur. 

See map link for direction : https://goo.gl/maps/MuJfjse7B3UWamUV8

Pathibhara temple is also located in Lalitpur district in Konjyoson Rural municipality.

Some pictures of Dakshinkali: Dakshinkali temple

Dakshinkali temple

Dakshinkali temple

Dakshinkali temple

Outside Dakshinkali temple

Dakshinkali temple

Dakshinkali mata temple

View from Dakshinkali mata temple

Dakshinkali temple Dr Chaitanya

Dakshinkali temple

Dakshinkali temple outside

Pictures of Manakamana Lalitpur:

Where is manakamana temple located: Manakamana temple is also located in lele rural municipality lalipur. (Not main manakamana temple)

Manakamana temple Lalitpur

Manakamana temple Lalitpur

Pictures of Pathibhara mata temple Konjyoson Lalitpur

Flower bloosom

Pathibhara temple

Pathibhara temple

Importance of Devi worshipping (देवीपूजनको महत्वहरू)

1. Connection with the divine feminine:

Worshipping devis (goddesses) provides a profound connection with the divine feminine energy that exists within and around us. It allows individuals to embrace and honor the nurturing, compassionate, and creative aspects of existence.

2. Empowerment: 

Devi worship empowers individuals, especially women, by recognizing and celebrating their inherent strength and divine qualities. It promotes a sense of self-worth, confidence, and courage.

3. Balance and harmony: 

The worship of devis emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in life. By honoring both the masculine and feminine energies, it encourages individuals to seek equilibrium in all aspects of life, fostering a sense of peace and unity.

4. Protection and guidance: 

Worshipping devis is often associated with seeking their protection and guidance. Devi represents the universal motherly figure, offering support and safeguarding against negative forces, obstacles, and dangers.

5. Spiritual awakening: 

Devi worship serves as a pathway to spiritual awakening. By immersing oneself in the devotion and contemplation of the goddess, individuals can deepen their spiritual connection, expand their consciousness, and embark on a transformative journey.

6. Fostering compassion and love: 

The worship of devis nurtures qualities such as compassion, love, and empathy. Devi represents unconditional love and acts as a reminder to extend kindness and care to all beings, fostering a more compassionate society.

7. Celebration of diversity: 

Devis are associated with various qualities, attributes, and forms, symbolizing the diverse aspects of existence. By worshipping different goddesses, individuals honor and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness present in the world.

8. Liberation and liberation: 

Devi worship is often associated with the concept of liberation (moksha) and freedom from the cycle of birth and death. It encourages individuals to transcend worldly attachments and realize their true divine nature.

9. Healing and transformation: 

Devi worship is known to facilitate healing and transformation on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It is believed that connecting with the goddess can bring about inner healing, rejuvenation, and a renewed sense of purpose.

10. Cultivation of virtues: 

Devi worship promotes the cultivation of virtues such as humility, devotion, gratitude, and surrender. By embodying these qualities, individuals can purify their hearts and minds, leading to personal growth and spiritual evolution.

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