Top 10 Genitourinary System MCQs

10 high-yield multiple-choice questions on the genitourinary system for physician assistants and medical students

10 high-yield multiple-choice questions on the genitourinary system for physician assistants and medical students

1. Which structure connects the kidneys to the urinary bladder and serves as a conduit for urine transport?

   a) Urethra

   b) Ureter

   c) Renal pelvis

   d) Renal cortex

   e) Nephron

2. The glomerulus is a crucial component of which part of the nephron?

   a) Proximal convoluted tubule

   b) Distal convoluted tubule

   c) Loop of Henle

   d) Collecting duct

   e) Bowman's capsule

3. Which hormone is primarily responsible for regulating water reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of the kidneys?

   a) Aldosterone

   b) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

   c) Renin

   d) Insulin

   e) Thyroid hormone

4. The condition characterized by the presence of abnormally high levels of protein in the urine is known as:

   a) Hematuria

   b) Pyuria

   c) Glycosuria

   d) Proteinuria

   e) Oliguria

5. Which of the following is a common risk factor for the development of kidney stones?

   a) Hyponatremia

   b) Hyperkalemia

   c) Hypercalcemia

   d) Hyperglycemia

   e) Hypernatremia

6. Which part of the male reproductive system produces the majority of the seminal fluid?

   a) Epididymis

   b) Testes

   c) Prostate gland

   d) Vas deferens

   e) Urethra

7. The presence of an extra X chromosome (XXY) is associated with which condition in males?

   a) Turner syndrome

   b) Down syndrome

   c) Klinefelter syndrome

   d) Marfan syndrome

   e) Cri du chat syndrome

8. The structure that transports both sperm and urine through the male reproductive system is the:

   a) Epididymis

   b) Urethra

   c) Vas deferens

   d) Seminal vesicle

   e) Prostate gland

9. Which part of the female reproductive system is responsible for the production of eggs (ova) and the secretion of female sex hormones?

   a) Fallopian tubes

   b) Uterus

   c) Cervix

   d) Ovaries

   e) Vagina

10. The release of an egg from a mature ovarian follicle is known as:

    a) Menstruation

    b) Ovulation

    c) Implantation

    d) Fertilization

    e) Gestation

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